Friday, February 29, 2008

Special Pigtails

I have been trying to get Leia Rose to wear these since the last time we went to Disney World (which was a LONG time ago). It was the kind of thing where I actually asked the mother of a little girl who was wearing them in the Magic Kingdom. Spectacular, aren't they? Anyway, today she finally wanted to wear them! But for some reason, I am reminded of a koala bear. : )
And today when we got home, it was more playing with Resurrection Eggs. (One of these days Annie won't be napping when we play with these.) The tragedy today was that Leia Rose hid them, and then lost the light purple one which sent Mamma into an overreaction of my-child-is-so-ungrateful-and-cares-nothing-about-other-people's-things type of fit. And after I calmed down (and we asked St. Anthony to intercede), we found the egg in Leia's valentine card bag. : )


Karin said...

HA!! Look at that Mickey and Minnie!! How cute! :)

Karin said...

I had already been thinking how brave you are to let her play with the Resurrection eggs. :) We don't have a set yet, but I was thinking how I wouldn't be brave enough to just give them to Kevin as a toy. ;)

(BTW, I opted not to get them last year, as I didn't think he was quite ready yet. So I was going to get them this year, but now I think we'll be out of the country... ah well. Many years to come! ;) and if we're in town for our church Easter Egg Hunt in 2 weeks, they will be used for the story after the hunt. :) )