Monday, February 11, 2008

My Outside Girl

Today, Annie was playing with me at the foot of the stairs when, suddenly, she turned to the door, touched it, and signed "help please." SHE WANTED TO GO OUTSIDE!!! I have never had a child ask to do this in our family! : ) Leia Rose has always been more of an indoor girl (and we're forever buying her new gadgets in hopes that she'll want to play outside), and it has only been recently that she will go outside on her own to use sidewalk chalk on the driveway. Well, Annie has recently discovered that she LOVES being outside. Becca, I think I have your sandbox to thank for that. : ) And today she requested outdoor play! It's so wonderful to have such different girls! Makes for a nice, well-rounded household. And, perhaps, both girls will influence each other to broaden their horizons.


Karin said...

That's cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Karin was petrified of the snow (living in Buffalo...) until a little brother came along who wallowed in the snow. So then she tried touching it. True story!