Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pull-Toys & Puppets

Gosh, I just love this picture of Annie. I'm not sure why. She's not smiling or anything. It's just a good representation of an I'm-just-a-little-bit-tired Annie. Every day when she goes over to her pull-toys, this is the one she chooses. And she always couples it with a rousing "cack, cack" (quack, quack)! ; ) Today she pulled it all round the little "circle" from the kitchen to staircase and back (sometimes holding my hand).
I also brought out the puppets today for Annie, . . . for the very first time! She was mostly excited to see (and hear) "Kitty Cat James," a very special kitty puppet that Kevin gave Leia Rose long ago. Annie loved the combination of Jame's arms moving and his "meowing."
And she especially liked when he played peek-a-boo with her. (Still Annie's absolute favorite game.)
Annie was also intrigued by Lamb Chop, . . . but I don't think she knew it was a lamb. She was most interested in sucking her thumb and giving Lamb Chop the other thumb. Ha! [And despite the way these pictures look, Annie didn't spend as much time on puppets as I thought. I was kind of imagining us going through each animal a few times and making the sounds and doing a little story, etc., etc. In five minutes, she couldn't have cared less. Interesting!]

Just another little note, today Annie took out her very first birthday card from her card box (the one that the Faulkners sent her), looked at the picture and said, "Ahh-eee"! (Annie!!!) Loved that!!!


Karin said...

That was so cool to just see her STANDING there in that picture!!!! :) :)

And how fun to see the Kitty Cat James!! Kevin has the same one, and it lives in his bed. :)

And cool about the bday card too!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is definitely a scrapable picture -- full page!