Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Domino Show

Here is Leia Rose ringing the little Domino bell to call Annie and I into "The Domino Show." This was a special Domino track that Daddy and Leia Rose put together, and REALLY enjoyed the process! (In fact Daddy would come to me many times that night and tell me how much fun they had.) [Just a little note, . . . it started when Leia Rose was comlaining about nothing to do while Mamma had to make dinner. I suggested the dominos and Leia jumped at the chance, . . . until she figured out I couldn't play with her. Then, sure enough, I heard little footsteps going upstairs where Daddy was in the bonus room and seconds later, down he comes to play. Leia truly had Daddy wrapped around her finger.] : )
Brian was especially proud of the "obstacles" Leia and himself set up togehter, particularly the balloon weight (see the ribbon going up?) that was part of the track.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous domino show!