Friday, February 1, 2008

Gotta Watch That Kid

I just love this particular set of bathtime peek-a-boo pictures. (Peek-a-boo continues to be Annie's favorite game, especially using the kitchen towel.)

But THIS it the thing that makes me know that I've just gotta watch this kid in the pool this summer. One of her favorite bathtime games (in addition to peek-a-boo and stand-up-sit-down-fast) is pour-a-whole-up-of-water-on-my-face-and-breath-in. For goodness sake! She does this multiple times a bath, sputters and coughs, . . .
and then LAUGHS really hard. Oh my. Gotta watch that kid in the pool this summer! I say that because I honestly have two different kids in regards to water. Leia Rose always hated water, didn't like baths, didn't like going under the water (and still really doesn't). Annie loves water. She can't get enough of it. (Does this have to do with her water birth?) She even loves the feeling of being suffocated by it. Hmmm. I always thought mothers of "Annies" really had their work cut out for them at the pool. She's the kind of kid who would just jump in, you know? No better time to work on water safety, . . . and life jacket protection. : )

And just to recap a couple of things a bit earlier: Annie gets the thrill of her life every night when she's finally allowed to climb the stairs under close supervision, always looking back to see if I'm watching to be proud of her.

And this is interesting, every single night Leia Rose always used to stop at the "button step" (a step we have with two epoxied screw holes) both to count them and touch them, . . . with Annie, she stops to touch Auntie April's flowers. So fun to see the minute differences of personality! : )

And as for words today, we had some interesting two-word phrases pop up! She will do the sign for washing hands and then say "ass ands" and she will also say "cow moo"! : ) Other words she added today were, "ree" (tree), "bag," and "pone" (pony). We've more than a hundred words now! Keep 'em coming!

And then there's the almost-walking. Thought you might like to see what I mean . . .

1 comment:

Karin said...

She really looks older in that 2nd picture!