Saturday, February 9, 2008

Shenan's Birthday Party

This weekend we traveled to Virginia for Shenandoah's really cool Scooby Doo & Star Wars birthday party!
It was a pajama party in the early morning, with doughnuts for breakfast! : ) Leia, of course, wore her dinosaur pajamas.
Watching Scooby Doo was one of the highlights of the party, and we had try to prepare Leia Rose for some of the monsters involved. : ) Note her hands over her ears. : ) It didn't take her long to LOVE Scooby Doo, though, especially when one of the episodes featured dinosaurs!
And Leia was the one really excited about Shenan getting the game "Operation" (and Daddy, too, who kept commenting on the new ailment: brain freeze, in the shape of an ice cream cone). Leia's excitement stemmed from her having the Dinosaur version (where you excavate bones trying to prevent the dino from roaring). : )

We gave Shenan (& Armelle) this really cool Wild Water Slide for both of thier birthdays. It's the same one that we have, and the only one that protects your ribs with a cusion of air. : )
The children also played "Pin the Control Panel on Darth Vader." And I was INCREDIBLY proud of Leia Rose for not being scared of the Yoda on the poster!
Here's Leia Rose's reaction to where she stuck her control panel. : )
Poor little Shenny, being the first one to play, was very upset that she didn't get the control panel in the perfect spot. Her Mamma told her a special secret that made her smile, . . . and the smile grew even bigger when she saw that she wasn't alone in the conrol panel struggle. : )
Everyone LOVED the really cool Darth Vader pinata! (I thought it was so cute that Shenandoah was on a first name basis with Vader, . . . calling him "Darth." Ha!) Shenandoah pulled the strings until she found the one that opened the pinata, and out came candy, lizards, punching balloons, and . . . whoopie cushions (a Worrel family favorite)!

Then the whole group headed outside to try out Shenan's new zipline. Leia had lots of fun!

And Annie continued her usual pastime of pressing on screens (like she's not supposed to).
And Annie's other favorite activity? Ripping tissue paper. I'm so glad she had fun at the party, too! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Looks like a lot of fun! The pj's and donuts were a cute idea :)