Friday, February 22, 2008

Silly Scooby Snacks

"These flowers smell like hamburgers!"
And, as promised, here is Annie frantically and emphatically signing "eat" before breakfast. The only thing is, . . . today she also SAID "eat"! : )
Ah yes, and here is Leia Rose watching Scooby Doo on Tivo. (Mamma was doing some cleaning for Grandma and Grandpa this weekend. Usually we don't do TV on weekdays.) Um, Shenandoah, we need your influence again. Leia chose the episode called, "Jeepers, It's the Creeper." Big mistake. The Creeper was a REALLY scary guy with a green face who went around roaring and chasing the gang.
Leia spent the whole episode behind the chair and eventually requested that we take Scooby Doo OFF of Tivo! (We weren't too upset, though, in that it was the only show she chose that had lots of commercials. So far, Leia Rose has never seen one, and we don't want her to start.) So, sorry Scooby. We'll have to settle for your snacks instead. ; )

[But, Shenan, we'll always LOVE watching Scooby at your house.] ; )

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