Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Learning Tivo,...Much to My Chagrin

When Leia Rose got home today, I taught her how to use her reading & recognizing skills to access Tivo in order to find the shows she wanted to watch. As a reward, I let her watch a show (if she could do it herself). *sigh* We always promised ourselves that we would NEVER allow our kids to use the TV control. That had to go out the window because Leia Rose's TV morning is Saturday morning, and if we can, Brian and I would REALLY like to sleep in. The great thing about Tivo is that all of Leia's shows are taped and show the symbol of the station on the side. The bad thing about it is that you can't program it to play one show after another (and there's no way that we want to come down every 20 minutes to changes shows for her). And, of course, Leia Rose was happy to have more control over her own life. : )

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