Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First Star Wars Experience

How surreal! My little Princess Leia and my proverbial Han Solo, . . . watching the REAL Princess Leia and the REAL Han Solo. Anyway, Brian couldn't have chosen a better way to return from his first business trip: with a Star Wars Tech show taped on our new Tivo. I was kind of surprised that he turned it on with Leia there (considering her past history), but he did. And, you know, she was SPELLBOUND!!! The show was all about whether Star Wars technology could exist in reality. Awesome! Leia Rose was the most interested in the clips from the movie. Her favorites: when Luke blows up the death star (and the explosion involved) ("Whoa! That's cool! I want to see it again!" And with Tivo's instant replay, she COULD! Ten times). And when the stormtroopers slam into the tree on the speeder bike ("HA!!! I love this!") Other interesting things of note: Leia thought that Chewbacca "looked like a monster, and I like him because I like monsters." And Leia laughed a lot at General Grievous because he was a robot and still coughed. I was the most surprised that she adored all things that blew up. ; ) I don't know if she's ready for the real movie yet, but this was sure a great start. : )


Karin said...

ha! Very cool!!! :) Did she think it was fun to hear her name too?

I remember seeing Star Wars when it first came out (was that kindergarten? 1st grade?) -- and I thought it was BORING!!! ;)

Karin said...

I meant to comment a few days ago & forgot... That's amazing that it was his first business trip! Wow! Steve rarely goes on them either, but it happens about once a year probably - perhaps it hasn't even been yearly. And then he had the 2 last-minute trips to Japan & South Korea! Pretty wild, considering he doesn't normally travel for work at all. ;) Anyway.... hope you guys did ok without Daddy home!! I always hate it when Steve leaves. :(