Saturday, February 2, 2008

Kevin/Leia & Tivo/Scooba

Leia and Kevin had a blast on their late-afternoon playdate, especially while they played with this really cool walking and roaring dinosaur. : ) Unfortunately though, Leia Rose seemed to encourage Kevin to do lots of activities that could really bump his newly healing eye, . . . so the Mammas had to step in and calm them down a bit once in a while.
Once they calmed down a bit, everyone shared goldfish with little Annie. ; )
And for the Daddies, it was heaven on earth: Steve got to explain Tivo and Brian got to experience Tivo. I think I feel a significant Valentine present coming on. : ) Just to couple the technology, we also brought our Scooba for the Faulkners to check out, too.
Then we all went out to dinner at a really fun pizza restaurant. Leia Rose and Kevin played Candy Land while they waited. When Leia Rose said our blessing at dinner, I could tell she was distracted by the TV and after the "from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen" she said, "And I know the ending of Scooby Doo is . . ." at which point I just finished a personal prayer for her. Then I got REALLY angry at her (in that I went over to her and squeezed her arm really hard). I was so embarrassed that she would do that during our blessing in front of others. I made her cry. Not one of my best parental moments. Anyway, the only real tragedy was Leia's reaction when we told her that she couldn't have an ice cream bar from the "dessert box" (one of those box freezers). My, how she carried on about that!
But it was Annie who was the handful tonight. Not as bad as last week at Outback, though. Just enough to swipe all of her food on the floor and whine a bit. : ) As for words today, though, Annie said "bzzzz" for the sound a bee makes and "boon" for balloon! : )

And, just a cute last thing that comes from Karin's blog: "It was a fun evening. :) When we drove away, Kevin was upset that he didn't say good-bye to Annie, who was already buckled into their car. So as we drove off down the road, I counted to three and we all shouted, "Good-bye, Annie!" together. Kevin was quick to point out that she couldn't hear it though. ;) So of course, he tried again."

Such a considerate and thoughtful little boy, Kevin Faulkner. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cute!! :) It was fun! (and I've done my share of arm squeezing too ;) ...but to make you feel better about Leia's behavior, Leia was pretty far away from all adults & in a busy restaurant)