Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fun & Silliness with Grandma & Grandpa

Look what Grandpa picked up from Gymboree!
Leia went to ballet with Grandma and Grandpa, and then was treated to a rainbow ice cream cone!
And Annie loved playing her alligator kazoo all day!
Doesn't Grandpa look pretty in his beautiful necklaces? : )

Grandpa even gave Annie what Leia called a "Doggie Tail." : )
And Grandpa and Annie loved to play "hats" with each other. : )
He even showed her how to ring the dinner bell. : )
Grandma and Grandpa got Leia Rose a really neat "How to Draw Dinosaurs" set, . . . and Leia Rose was SO excited to try it. This is her very first try, a picture for Grandpa!
And here is her second one: a picture for Daddy! A T-Rex and an Ankylosaurus.

Leia Rose made a really cool "Mouse House" today!
She even added a garden (which she watered), a tree, and a sidewalk.
Meanwhile, Annie was riding the zipline, . . . and kept asking for more. : )
Then we went over to Mia's and Chloe's and Annie got to play "goalie" during thier little soccer game! (And she actually DID block a goal, but only because her foot was in the way. Ha!)

We went to Tyler's for dinner and Annie continued to love on her very favorite beads that Leia retrieved from the Christmas Parade. (I have to remember to take these to church tomorrow, even though Rosaries are always a hit, too.)


Karin said...

So cute to see Annie on the zip line & walking!! :)

Karin said...

GREAT dinosaur pics!! :)