Saturday, February 23, 2008

Leia Loves to Sing!

Up until last week, I honestly thought that my first born wasn't really going to like to sing. I remember Auntie April belting out songs when she was two, to the joy of all of the shoppers in the grocery store. That was never Leia. Well, this is slowly beginning to change. Now, whenever music is playing in the car (especially Laurie Berkner), Leia Rose is singing. Yay! (And when I really think about this, it really makes sense. Being a true perfectionist, Leia Rose will stop any activity that she doesn't think she's doing "correctly." Now that she can sing the right words, and sing in tune she's willing to belt it out.) : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cool! :) It hadn't even occurred to me that you had never mentioned her singing before.