Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jesus Loves Leia

Just a few cute things about Leia Rose and church today. ; ) Today was the Gospel of John about the Samaritan woman giving Jesus a drink of water at the well and, somehow, during the homily Father John connected it to how much time we spend in prayer. I remember his words exactly, "We are not called to sit and watch TV for 4-6 hours a night." That's Brian. "We are not called to write e-mail for hours on end." And Leia Rose yells out, "THAT'S YOU MAMMA!" Ha!

Then later we were listening to our "Rise and Shine: Let's Go to Church" CD that I made that we always listen to on Sundays. I think we were specifically listening to "Step by Step" sung by the Furman University Newman Club, and Leia Rose said, "We really love God, don't we, Mamma!?!" I agreed. Then she looked really pensive and said, "Mamma, I want to write Father John a letter. . . . I want to write him a letter and let him know that we love Jesus. I know! I can draw a picture of Jesus!" What a sweetie! That letter and picture are in the works. ; )

Just to end on a funny note, one of the other songs on our special Sunday CD is "My God" from Sister Act (set to the oldies tune of "My Guy"). And when they sang, "I love Him! I love Him! I love Him! And where He goes, I'll follow! I'll follow! I'll follow!" Leia Rose said, "Why are they singing about Obama?" And I thought, "Oh my gosh, just about 30 minutes of Fox News Channel and she already knows Obama's name?!? Yikes!!!" Then I sang the real words to her REALLY clearly, . . . thank God. ; )

I already knew this but, just as a reminder, . . . Note to Self: Children are ALWAYS listening.

1 comment:

Karin said...

So funny about the email & Obama! ;)