Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sequins & Scarves

Today I brought out the sequins for Annie and I to play with together. Annie has always loved fun tactile things like this (sand, sequins, fur, etc.), . . . and this activity was no exception.
But it wasn't long before Mamma discovered that Annie wasn't going to sit there stirring, scooping, and feeling (like Leia Rose did when she was 1 1/2), Annie wanted to get into the nitty-gritty of it all and put them all on the floor, swish them around, and swim in them. : ) That's my Annie! ; )
And we both had a BLAST!
Then she got a real kick out of picking up the bowl and watching the sequins shift their position. She even spun the bowl around a few times for the same effect.
And then there was the CARNAGE! : ) Thank God for the Swivel Sweeper! : )
And today Oma sent Leia Rose a really special scarf made of "eyelash" yarn, a perfect size and color for Leia Rose to wear at school, . . . and she wore it proudly today! : ) It was an early Valentines day gift, and Leia's first comment was, "Wow! That's just like the one Maddie has!!!" Thanks so much, Oma! We love you!

1 comment:

Karin said...

How fun about the sequins!! What a fun Mommy you are!!! :)