Monday, July 9, 2007

All About Leia

I just want to mention how wonderful Leia Rose is being these days! (I'm sure a lot of it is directly related to how little TV she's watching, by the way.) Today, Leia Rose turned off her "shows" without complaint, said please and thank you, understood when I had to tend to a grumpy Annie, did everything I asked when I asked it, helped me when I asked for help, allowed me to share ideas while we were playing (a rarity sometimes), and (as a bonus) continually told me she loved me. I made sure to take her aside and tell her how pleased I was with her today. No special rewards or anything, just Mamma being proud of her little girl. I was just so pleased with her behavior that I feel like we may have reached another age milestone here, a new level of understanding. Leia Rose is truly a joy!

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's awesome!! Yay, Leia!! We are in the opposite situation at the moment. I keep reminding myself it's just a phase... and your post helps me to remember that!! ;) Although he still is very polite, which is a great thing. :)