Monday, July 9, 2007

Cooking Day

Since we had lots of extra berries today, Leia Rose and I made three different kinds of jelly: peach, blueberry, and blackberry. . . . And I'm afraid that I always get tempted to leave the pots on too long thinking, "this jelly looks too runny!" And then it comes out like a brick. I don't think I ever get it exactly right. In fact, I knew it went wrong when Leia Rose said, "Mmmm! This is just like caramel!" Here is Leia Rose stirring the peach one before it congealed.

Annie was a bit grumpy between naps today, so I didn't take any pictures of our dinosaur play and ball rolling. I'm still surprised she is only awake a couple of hours before she needs more sleep.

After lunch and more playing, Leia and I also made spaghetti sauce. Here she is after harvesting the basil from our garden.

Concentrating so hard on making the sauce! Spaghetti and Meatballs tonight, Daddy's request! Yum! : )

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