Thursday, July 26, 2007

Egg Heads

During Annie's nap today (after Leia read a bit more from Oh, Cats!), Leia Rose made some "egg heads." This was one of Leia Rose's favorite school projects from Artgarden, so I thought we could try to replicate it at home. We had eggs yesterday for breakfast (and dried the shells) in addition to collecting the grass seed (literally from someone's overgrown lawn). So today it was time for Leia Rose to draw the faces on the eggs.

Recently, Leia has been intent on drawing actual nostrils on her face renditions. And the guy on the left has glasses. : )

Then it was time to add the grass seed and the dirt before watering.

Now it's time to set on the windowsill and enjoy them as they grow their "hair." : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That last picture is really sweet!!! :)