Monday, July 23, 2007

Leia's First Swim Lesson of 2007

Here is Leia Rose all decked out for her first swim lesson today. Why the goggles? They are the only way Leia will even consider putting her face under the water.

I was really impressed with Carrie, her swim instructor. Even though there were two other little boys in the class, Carrie got Leia to go under the water twice. One was an actual dunk! (I have never gotten Leia Rose to do that willingly!)

Leia Rose also practiced blowing bubbles with her nose whenever it wasn't her turn. . . . Well, when she wasn't disobeying the teacher and swimming with the fun noodle uninhibited, that is.

Here's another thing I was never able to get Leia Rose to do: float on her back! And this was all at the first lesson! I was pretty impressed! So after the lesson, Leia and I made a reward chart:

Swimming down to touch the bottom = McDonalds for lunch

Swimming to the side herself = Chuck E Cheese for lunch and play!

Here's to hoping!

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