Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Blue" Day!

This morning, Leia Rose picked out an outfit and dubbed today "Blue Day," and asked us all to wear blue. Great idea, Leia! She helped Annie and I pick out blue outfits and here we are wearing them. (I took the picture in Annie's bedroom mirror.)

Then Leia wanted to watch me put on my makeup, and I let her find my mascara. She didn't want to put any on, though.

Then we got a surprise call from Oma, and Leia Rose was happy to do some talkin'!

Next, we did a shadow puppet show in the laundry room. This is "Mrs. Schnell inviting chicken to the Montessori schoolhouse" along with the other animals.

Here's another sister game: "shooting stars" and "snow." The former involves me calling out the color of the puffball and throwing it down ("Yellow shooting star! . . . Green shooting star!") and the latter involves me dumping the whole pile on top of them. Got this idea (today from Leia but originally . . .) from a baby games book. : )

This picture was put on at Leia's request with the caption, "Sittin' in my high chair, high chair, high chair. Sittin' in my high chair bangin' my spoon." (To the tune of "Mamma's Little Chillun'")

And yet another fun game that Annie figured out just today, . . . Leia peeking through the back of the high chair and calling Annie's name for peek-a-boo. :)

Hmmm, . . . this blog stuff is addictive. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

I'm getting caught up after my computer woes of the week! ;)

It's so funny to see the differences (and similarities) between Kevin & Leia. They're both very into organizing & being in charge, so it seems. But Leia is sooo into imaginative stuff!! Whereas Kevin is into pure action! ;) ...and building things. For instance, he loves building train tracks... but he doesn't care too much about playing train. But today with his new bridge, he just had a great time making the trains crash into each other very dramatically!! BOYS!!!! ;) Anyway, it's so interesting to see the differences in personalities between kids!