Monday, July 16, 2007

Pink Lemonade (ha!)

Remember how Leia dubbed the other day "blue day"? Well, Leia dubbed today "pink day," so here we are, . . . all in pink. : )

I have to preface this next story by mentioning a funny idea Leia Rose came up with. Leia noticed a long time ago that Daddy's forehead is often very shiny. And, honestly, I have no idea how or when or why she decided to "taste" his forehead, but she insisted afterwards that it was "lemon juice" on there. (When really it's nothing other than grease, right? That's gross. Sorry.) Each day Leia Rose often determines how much "lemon juice" Daddy has, and then mentions it. Anyway, Leia Rose has been very interested in watching me put on makeup. Today she wanted to try some. (Just as an aside, I neglected to tell her that if you wipe your hands on your shirt after putting some on, you get makeup on your shirt.) She tried some foundation, and then moved on to the powder. She asked why ladies wear powder. I told her the following: "Leia, you know how you say that Daddy has lemon juice on his forehead? Well, Ladies aren't ever supposed to have lemon juice on their forehead, and that's why they use powder. It gets rid of the shine." And I was surprised to find that with all of Leia's intelligence, she didn't know what "shine" was, so I tried to explain it to her. I guess "lemon juice" was easier to understand. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's funny! And cute picture :)