Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Fun Saturday

Everyone had fun today! Here is Annie enjoying a new toy: an exersaucer we borrowed from Shenandoah and Armelle! She loves it! The best part about it? No toys to put away!

Here are Leia and Shenan playing one of their favorite games: "Trick or Treating." Looks like this little firefighter and mousketeer got lots of vegetables instead of candy! : )

After Laura and I got back from the Carrboro Farmers Market (lots of good stuff there, by the way), the girls went on, what else, . . . the Wild Water Slide. Boy is it getting lots of use this summer!

Instead of doing the actual sliding, Leia and Shenan loved playing a game called "3-2-1 Blastoff!" where they would run across the slide and slip into the pool. Eventually, they had to request more "splash water."

Then, Dad, I used the cherry-pitter (which worked like a charm) and allowed Shenandoah to look a lot like Little Jack Horner.

After Annie's lunch, she got to have a fun sensory experience on the (dry) Wild Waterslide. (I bet it was like going on a moonbounce for her!)

Annie also fell in love with Wilson today, . . . he was my very favorite doll from my late childhood.

1 comment:

LauraW said...

Thanks for being the pic taker :) I'd love the pics emailed - you (and your cam!) took some awesome ones! About the thud...we're giving this route a try, but I may be on my way to the crib tent store tomorrow - wish me luck!