Friday, July 6, 2007

Annie No Swiping!

Eating slimy finger foods like green beans and peaches isn't Annie's "thing," no matter how good they taste, but give her a fork (like this one that was Brian's when he was little), and she's in heaven. How did she know how to use one? That's the question!

Yet another new eating pastime is using a real cup/glass to drink out of (like this one). Annie absolutely loves it, and she stays hydrated much better this way. I don't think she enjoys sucking out of a sippy cup at meals.

Okay, here's something I don't like. We call it "swiping" because Annie again and again swipes her hands over her high chair tray so fast, . . . fast enough to blur this picture. : ) She usually does this when she isn't particularly interested in the food that's there. (This is before I got the fork out.) But recently we've figured out that Annie's also really interested in seeing what happens when she does things (like swiping). She is just as fascinated with watching ice slosh back and forth in a covered, clear sippy cup. (She would rather watch the ice than drink from the cup. Hence the introduction of the glass.)

Here's Annie's reaction to us saying, "Annie, no swiping! Annie, no swiping! Annie, no swiping!" Watchers of Dora the Explorer will note the allusion to beloved Swiper. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yup, I understood the swiping part. ;) Wow -- I wonder if she's better at a glass than Kevin! I rarely give one to Kevin & he dumped one all over himself today. ;)