Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Lot of Dandy Games

Had to give this post that particular title because Brian and I have been watching lots of musicals on DVD lately, the latest being South Pacific, so . . . Anyway, a nice Saturday at home today. Leia Rose and I played lots of games together. One of which was Candy Land (thanks so much to Oma for letting us have/borrow the old game, the newer one is a bit scary with characters like the freaky "Mr. Mint").

Auntie April, you'll be pleased as punch to see us playing the Cabbage Patch Kids game while we were listening to the Cabbage Patch Kid record. (Remember, "Sybill Sadie, Oh Raime, I guess it's up to you and me.")

Then there was Leia's favorite: "Wild Games" with Daddy. I guess Leia Rose is over her I-don't-want-to-be-held-upside-down stage!

And no session of Wild Games is complete without Daddy's famous "nibbles." : )

Of course, Annie was awake by this time and they spent some sister game time together on Auntie April's rocking horse named Yankee Doodle. Fun!

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