Saturday, July 14, 2007

Father's Daughter

Here's Leia Rose lunching on a chicken finger, . . . truly her father's daughter.

Later today, Annie was playing with the Symphony Star Stacker and she kept picking it up with her first two fingers and thumb, . . . this wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't weigh two pounds! (I weighed it on my diet scale just to see.) Honestly, I couldn't believe how strong Annie's fingers and arms were! I laughed because it made me think of that scene in Superman where little baby Clark Kent lifts up the truck to save his dad. Annie is truly a "Superbaby"!

Today we also played "band." We had lots of fun making music together. One of Annie's favorite pastimes is a game called "shake, shake, shake," which simply involves shaking anything that makes a sound. She loves it! . . . hence the maraca. : )

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