Sunday, July 29, 2007

Church Success & Sunday

First, I just have to mention how proud I was of Leia Rose at Mass today! Now, I'll admit that most of the time I wish I could bring her in the umbrella stroller to restrain her for the whole thing, . . . she's pretty famous for not facing forward and playing instead of concentrating and generally having ants in her pants, etc. Still, today when Father John was about to read the Gospel, I found Leia Rose singing the Alleluia (without being prompted)!!! This made me very happy! I can truly see now why Saint Thomas More does not allow the preschoolers to attend Friday Mass, . . . but they do allow kindergarteners to do so. Something happens between 4 and 5 and 6, I guess. And yet then I look at Annie, . . . I never even have to take her out unless she has a poopie diaper! (What a good girl!)

After Mass today, Leia Rose and I thought it would be fun to play the "Duckie" game with Annie. Annie just stared at it. She just stared and stared at it. Here she is, . . . just staring at it. : ) (The ducks go around in a circle while it makes quacking sounds. Your goal is to choose three with your particular color on the bottom. Honestly, (although annoying to parents) a wonderful game for age 2 and up!) Ironically, Annie won the game! The three duckies she picked all had blue on the bottom! And, I must say, Leia Rose is such a good sport! (I've been trying hard to teach her that this year!)

Another project Leia Rose wanted to do recently is above. I first did it with her when she was two, . . . found the idea in a book. The original idea was to trace your child and then have them stick stickers on the parts of the body. Well, Leia remembered that project and wanted to do it again, but instead of doing the "parts of the body" game, she just wanted to decorate it. This was the result. Evidence Leia: eyelashes, cheeks, and of course nostrils! : ) I think it looks like she's sucking on a pacifier, myself. : )

Leia's Godmommy Natalie surprised us yesterday with a new dress as a (very) early birthday present! Greg is now stationed in England! (What a smart lady for sending future gifts right before leaving the USA!) I let Leia Rose open this particular gift early (hope you don't mind, sweet Natalie) so she could wear it to a birthday party today. Isn't she beautiful?

As another fun developmental thing today, I got out the mirror for Annie. She took a few looks, but wasn't as interested as Leia once was. (A mirror was the item that encouraged Leia to crawl for the first time.) Can I really complain at the absence of vanity?


Karin said...

Very cool mirror picture! :) And Leia's new dress is really pretty!!

Karin said...

Oh -- and YAY for Leia in church!! :)