Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Cooking, Turtle Rock, & Kitty Egg

We had to do some more cooking today, this time cupcakes with sprinkles, because we are having a mini-goodbye party for Leia's friend, Yukino. Yukino is Leia's good friend from Artgarden Montessori who is going back to Japan in a few weeks. Here is Leia Rose adding the sprinkles.

Tonight before bed, Daddy and Leia Rose had their usual "wild games," and this one was particularly fun. It's called "Kitty Egg," and it involves Leia Rose laying on the floor curled up in a ball for a long time while Daddy says, "Hmmmm, look at this egg. What a big egg! This sure is a still egg!" Until Leia Rose starts scratching her "kitty paw" (above), and Daddy says, "What is this little paw sticking out?" At this point, Leia Rose begins to crawl around as a full blown kitty, meowing all the while as Daddy exclaims, "Oh, it's a kitty! What a cute kitty!" Daddy was so inspired by this game he started singing, "Who Wrote the Book of Love" with the lyrics "Who Wrote the Book of Meow." : )

[Actually this game was adapted from an earlier game of Leia's called "Turtle Rock" which involved Leia laying in exactly the same way and Daddy saying exactly the same thing (replacing "egg" with "rock") until Leia would put her head up and they would both yell "Turtle!" together.] : )

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