Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Letter to Oma

This morning, Leia Rose decided that she wanted to "write a letter" to Oma, so this is what she drew. Here is her description: "This is a hook-a-saurus because he has hooks on his claws. He's a meateater, see his teeth? He lives in the forest, see the tree with leaves? The brown dinosaur is a line-a-saurus because he has a line on his neck. [Later she would change her mind and call him a Tyrannosaurus Rex.] The line-a-saurus is eating the hook-a-saurus, see his teeth? There is an orange baby hook-a-saurus in the corner. The pink dinosaur is a girl stegosaurus. See she's not smiling? She's worried about the other two dinosaurs and her nest with the eggs in it. There is a sun shining in the sky."

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's pretty complex! I'm impressed!