Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Precious Moments

Just a cute exchange between Leia Rose and I:
"Mamma, what's a 'min'?" "A 'min'? I don't know. Use it in a sentence." "What's a sentence?" "It's a group of words around another word." "Oh." "Where did you hear the word?" "On Zoboomafoo." "Well, what were they saying about it?" "They said, 'The bird is flying in 'min' air.'" "Oh! It's 'mid,' Leia. It means 'middle.' The bird it flying in mid air means the bird is flying in the middle of the air." "Oh, I see!" So cute!

More Leia stuff: We are finishing reading The Secret Garden together in the evenings and there is only a picture every other page. When there's no picture, Leia usually looks away from the book, for no particular reason. So tonight I thought I would see if she was really listening. We were at the part of the book where Mary and Colin decide to use rainy days to explore the interior of the manor and so I said, ". . . and look for the room with the little lost kitty." At which point Leia Rose immediately turned her head back to the book in sincere interest, and I started laughing hysterically (and Leia joined in, too).

Now Annie, . . . Brian and I were discussing today that not only does Annie not have a fever anymore, but she's not waking up in the middle of the night moaning either! In fact, when the moaning was happening, we didn't even think too much of it. It just took a simple rub of the back to quiet her, but by the end we were assured that it was because of her ears. Now, . . . she's happy (and quiet) all night! (Perhaps we'll be able to go see the new Potter movie after all!) Today was even the last day of the drops, and little Annie just lays there happily biting on a foamy dinosaur while I insert these drops in her ears. (She's so amazing!) So glad our little Annie is feeling better again!

Another cute thing, Annie now gives me a goodnight kiss after breastfeeding! You know, one of those baby kisses where they don't really know how to do it, they just put their open mouth against your face anywhere they can find room? I just love it!

1 comment:

LauraW said...

Great "min" story! And, I am so happy that Annie is feeling better!! Great to talk to you in person tonight, too, instead of just blogging :)