Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New Friends!

Today we had a playdate with Leia's new friend Amelia, Annie's new friend Robert, and my new friend Karen.

Here's a sleepy Robert with his little lovie named "Monkey." Such a cutie!

As Robert slept, the girls had lots of fun on the Wild Water Slide (which is getting lots of use, by the way). Annie is doing her traditional I'd-rather-reach-over-and-play-with-the-grass tactic. Amelia was so good at the water slide! It only took her two times to do it perfectly!

Leia Rose even took some time splashing with Annie (who wasn't entirely thrilled that Mamma was more than two inches away).

Later we moved to Leia's "fishy pool" on the back deck where the girls did lots of ocean songs and dances, . . . and watched their reflections in the window of the back door. I wish I could remember all of the lyrics to the songs (Amelia is so good at creating new ones!), but I only remember Leia's last one which was something like, "Walking around the sea! Walking around the sea! I'm walking around the sea!"

Everyone had such a nice time! The Mammas got to talk a bunch too! We'll look forward to lots more playdates in the future! : )

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