Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday at the Pool

Today after Mass (and after Annie's first nap), we all went to the pool. Annie had fun in her baby float . . .

And Leia loved doing "motor boat" with Daddy. And both girls enjoyed going on the two-story water slide with us.

Meadowmont, with its water slide and mushroom waterfall and sloped entry and two pools to choose from, is our swim club of choice. We so enjoy going there! And this summer there are less people because they changed the "free" age to "under two" (it used to be five). Now we have to pay the child's fee for Leia, but it's worth it to be among less people. In the car riding to and from the pool, it has become a summer tradition to listen to our very special "pool cd" with all sorts of fun beach and island music. (Thanks so much Auntie April!)

By the end of the day we learned exactly why Annie's hat is called a "floppy sun hat" and we also learned that swim diapers really do work! : )


LauraW said...

We had the same idea, today! Looks like you guys had fun swimming, too! Wish we were at the same pool :)

April said...

I’m glad you guys are still enjoying the Pool songs. Speaking of gifts from the past, Mom and I made some manatee cookies the other day from the batches of Florida cookies you gave me for a apartment housewarming present back in Miami. They were great even though we didn’t make them into manatee shapes. I am also planning to hang up the Florida cookie cutters in my new apartment. I have them packed in a special box.

I love you

Karin said...

What a cool pool!! So you can just pay per time that you go -- rather than have a membership?? If so, we'd LOVE to join you sometime!!!! :) :)