Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Just look at all this happiness and pride! Why? Well, Leia Rose has truly been inspired both by Shenandoah and by her new swim instructor, Carrie because . . . today Leia Rose swam on her own for the first time! I was in the midst of slathering Annie with sunscreen when I looked up and saw Leia Rose swimming! I was so excited that I couldn't get my camera out fast enough! Here she's saying, "Mamma! I wasn't afraid! I wasn't afraid!" I'm so proud of her!

The lesson started out like any other, except Leia Rose kept mentioning that she wouldn't be afraid today. Here she is trying to kick with "straight legs" with Carrie.

And here was yet another first, swimming down to touch the bottom! This is the picture from right after. Guess what, someone gets McDonald's tonight! : )

[Sorry about the picture quality today, Brian doesn't want me bringing the other camera to the pool on a true pool day (and rightly so). And it's such a shame that our old little camera can't take any more than a few pictures because I would have loved to take some of Annie today as well. She was a doll. Read on . . .]

It was just such a wonderful swim lesson! I just couldn't believe how far Leia Rose has come in only two days! Anyway, today we decided to stay at the pool after lessons. So, I wheeled the fully-loaded stroller over to the other pool area and we ate lunch. Then Leia Rose, Annie, and I swam in "the warm pool" the entire time we were there. Annie was in her baby float and Leia Rose kept switching between a fun noodle and a kickboard the whole time. It was really fun.

As for Leia, there were a few times that she actually slipped off the kickboard and swam for a second or two in the water. She wasn't happy about that, though (no goggles on this time). It is really obvious that Leia is becoming less afraid of going under!

In regards to Annie, she was always ready to "talk" at the pool, so we would all join her in a chorus of "da da da da da la la la la la." And Leia Rose and I would play "footsie twirls" with her, which simply involves grabbing one of Annie's feet (below her baby float) and pulling her as you turn in a circle. Annie is also really interested in faces these days, and because of the position of our heads vs. Annie's in the water, it was perfect for her to explore our facial features. There are some days where I'm sure she knows "mouth" and "nose" and "eyes." Then there are other days (like this one) where I'll say, "Where's Mamma's nose?" and Annie will just keep touching my mouth. : ) Annie is especially taken with mouths. Annie also created a new game we call "Pool Beans." Hmmm, new game? Actually, it's just jumping/jelly beans in the pool. : ) It was a very fun day.


Karin said...


By the way, I bought a "pool safe" -- in case you're interested in getting one for your camera. It's a little case that you can lock to some stationary object at the pool and has a little keypad lock on it. I bought it for keeping my wallet, keys & camera inside while at pools. :) I'm pretty sure I got it from www.solutionscatalog.com.

Karin said...

Here's the link:
