Saturday, July 28, 2007

Annie's Newest Skills

Today Annie learned two new skills! First, she can take the stars off of the Symphony Star Stacker herself! Up until now, I had to take them off and hand them to her (so as not to get her too frustrated).

Thought you might like to see a video of that skill as well. ; )

Another skill that surprised me comes from the book Pat the Bunny, which is one of Annie's favorites. One of the pages has an embedded ring where it asks, "Can you put your finger through Mamma's ring?" Annie has just been able to do that particular page (it was one of the last for her to master). Anyway, today on a whim I just wondered whether Annie would recognize the same skill in a different context, so I took off my nursing ring and asked Annie, "Can you put your finger through Mamma's ring?" And this is what she did! Smart baby!

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