Monday, July 9, 2007

Bedtime Tonight

After putting Annie down tonight, I found out about another really cool game that Leia Rose and Daddy play together called "playground slide." (Why do Daddies allow bedtime activities to be so very wild, and not at all conducive to rest?) This game involves Leia Rose climbing over Daddy as he lays on the bed and flopping down in time to use his legs as a slide until she's standing on the back of the husband pillow. Finally, she jumps from that pillow to a regular pillow on the floor. Then she runs around the bed and does it again. (Brian and I laugh about Leia "walking all over" him, but this is ridiculous!) : ) She was not happy to stop this game tonight, chiming in with, "Daddy, can we please do some wild games?"

When I tucked Leia Rose in, she said, "Mamma, I feel like it's morning!" "Hmmm, I'm sorry for you, because it's time to go to bed." "No, Mamma, I just mean I'm feeling Mamma-Lovish. . . . Mamma, you're the best Mamma in the world!" "Awww, . . . Leia, you're the best First-Born-Beauty-Love!" "And Annie's the best Baby Love?" "That's right." "I think you should call her 'Little Love.' It's cuter."

It was just an adorable exchange. : ) Plus, it seems as though Leia Rose has replaced her doubtful, "Mamma, do you love me?" with the more confident, "Mamma, I love you!" So wonderful!

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