Saturday, October 20, 2007

Leia's Wishes Come True, . . . Literally

Every single fountain that Leia Rose has plunked a penny into, she wishes for the same thing: "That I can go back to the dinosaur museum." Well, today all of Leia's wishes came true, . . . literally! Here we are on the skywalk to the metro, . . . going to the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History.
"Annie! We're going underground! We're going underground!"

Leia's first glimpse of the dinosaurs!!! (Keep in mind that the ones in true form are "casts" made from the real fossils. You can always tell the real fossils because they are under glass, in a temperature controlled environment. Now I wish I took more pictures of the "real" fossils, . . . it's just hard not to get caught up in the hype of the casts standing right over you!) Note to self: when using the ISO high sensitivity no-flash mode on the camera, you seem to lose the image stabilization!
You'll see in a few of these that I tried to capture Leia's sense of wonder and awe in looking at these fantastic creatures of the past. What I especially like about this photo is that Leia's awestruck face is the only thing in focus.
Leia was funny about posing for pictures in here. But here she in in front of Triceratops, and a Triceratops horn.

You can just see the true Triceratops skull right in front of Grandpa's tummy

Leia Rose sitting on a cast of a Brontosaurus bone!
Replica of a Pteradactyl, right above the fossils of a true Pteradactyl.
Brian & a Tyrannosaurus Head. : )
Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Replica of a Stegosaurus.

Poor Annie. We finally wore her out. : ) Who would have ever guessed our little girl would actually sleep in the stroller. She fell asleep on the metro, and didn't wake up until we sat down to lunch. : ) No tears, either!!!


Karin said...

How cool!! :) I'm sure Leia loved it!!!

Kevin has only seen dinosaurs like that once -- at the Museum of Natural History last Dec. And he was scared!!! One of the few times I've really seen him scared of something. We're going again this week for a preschool field trip, so I'm wondering what his reaction will be....

Karin said...

er, umm.... that would be Natural SCIENCE.... ;) sigh.