Saturday, October 13, 2007

North Carolina State Fair 2007

"Our State Fair is a great State Fair! Don't miss it! Don't even be late! It's dollars to doughnuts that our State Fair is the best State Fair in our State!" That was the Rogers & Hammerstein refrain this morning as I put the song on a loop for us to get ready to go to the NC State Fair with the McNeils. We also had the added task to "scope out" the fair for Leia Rose's "State Fair Pony Party." What a fun day! Here are the picture highlights:

. . . Watching the pig judging.

I just saw this huge news story about how the drought has made all produce smaller, sparcer, and even non-existent this year. . . . Then we saw this pumpkin. A new State Fair record?!? 1178 pounds?!? Drought, Smought!!!
Tonight at dinner, Leia Rose said, "Hmmmm, if I marry Colin I'll be 'Leia Rose McNeil!' Ha! I like that!"

We finally wore her out! Poor Annie! Congrats on actually taking a mini-nap in the stroller, though! (That's a rarity for you!)

[Note the change of clothes. It got pretty warm, so I changed her into a vegetable/fair themed pair of short-pants overalls this time. Her red bow, I'm afraid, didn't even make it into the entrance gate. Oh well.] : )

This is a little "fun house" type of exploration ride for little kids. It was called "Rainbow Rock." Leia loved it!

Leia said, "Let's take this picture for Papa!" See the sunflowers in the background? : ) And she's holding the pony she won for catching three fish at one of the games at the fair. Leia named her "Pink Girl." : ) (Auntie April, note the similarity of color to your unicorn pony. I don't think that was coincidence!)
And I'm sorry to say that I don't have picture of this but, . . . we saw SANTA CLAUS at the State Fair today! He was actually wearing his santa hat, a red shirt, and . . . . overalls! (We've seen him at the Outback before, too, actually.) Brian and I noticed him right away; we told Leia to look; . . . and we couldn't believe she seemed so bored. We realized almost immediately (but after Santa passed by) that she never actually saw him and that she couldn't understand what we were saying (the fair is LOUD, by the way). She ended up having to take our word for it, poor kid. : )

This is the local PBS mascot: Read-a-Roo, handing out a DVD about eating vegetables. : )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love the ferris wheel ones of your family! Looks like fun and what wonderful weather there was yesterday.