Wednesday, February 6, 2008

ANNIE (finally) WALKS!!!

Tonight Annie walked for the very first time!!! She walked from the loveseat in the living room to the coffee table, which is exactly three feet. It took her about five steps. Just long enough to be "harder" to get down and crawl and then stand up again. : ) And what I love the most about these pictures is that when she really lets go of the loveseat, and really tries with all of her heart, she sticks her tongue out to the left (which you see in every single picture after she lets go). : )

And what encouraged Annie to walk? (With Leia Rose it was seeing Daddy put a silly cloth block on his head,) With Annie it was . . .
. . . Rosaries!!! : ) Annie has always loved Rosaries, especially when we say our nightly decade together. She's always going for them, . . . couldn't pick a better way to learn to walk than right into the arms of Mary our Mother! : )


Karin said...

Hooray!!!! So cool!!!! :) :)

Was that the initial steps that you caught on video? Or did you get an reenactment out of her?

Karin said...

I think I just answered my own question... must have been a 2nd attempt?