Saturday, February 16, 2008

Death of On the Border / Birth of Tivo

Today we drove all the way to our favorite Mexican restaurant in Durham (On the Border) and IT WAS CLOSED FOR GOOD! Heck, the SIGN was down! I was so upset! We ate their weekly (+) while I was pregnant with Leia Rose and lots while I was pregnant with Annie, too. And, of course, it's been one of our favorites since then as well. So here are my fond memories of On the Border that we'll now only be able to experience again once in a blue moon: Perfect Salsa (made fresh daily w/real cilantro), Best Chips in the Triangle, The Big Borderitto, A Perfect Chicken Quesadilla (with all guacamole on the side, if you want it that way), A Passionfruit Margarita, A Fresh Watermelon Margarita, a big slice of Kahlua Pie. . . . and saddest of all: no more calling it "the sun restaurant" or asking for "zebra cake" (Kahlua Pie) as Leia used to say. Okay Faulkners/Worrels, I'm sorry to say, . . . guess where we're going to be asking to eat every time we meet you in Cary/Richmond?!? ; )

But on the upside, Brian and I set up our Tivo today (and I have been hearing that familiar "pop-pop" of menu all evening). This system is amazing! Now we can "tape" all of Leia's favorite shows automatically (like Super Why, Word World, Diego, and the newest Scooby Doo) and only tape NEW episodes! Plus, we can start watching TV 15 minutes into a program, rewind to the beginning, and fast forward the commercials, only to end up in real time at the end! Yay!


Karin said...

Glad you've having fun with your Tivo!!! :) Hey, how come ours doesn't tape Diego and Scooby Doo?????? (ha ha - just kidding... we only have basic cable, so we don't get those. bummer! ;) ) Have fun with it!! I just watched a Supernanny episode on ours tonight :)

Karin said...

Oh - and I love On the Border too! We go there very rarely, but I do really like it! So come on over and we'll go out to eat :)