Monday, February 18, 2008

First Flower of Spring +

Look at what the wind did to our fun teepee! Oh well, Leia decided to make an eagle's nest instead. : )

Annie's two favorite sand activites today were a bit wild. She would constantly fill her cup (after she learned how) and would either shake it like this (right toward her eyes) or pour it down her shirt. *sigh* She was a sandy sand. ; ) And I spent the rest of the afternoon singing her "Sandy" from Grease. Quite fitting.
And each time she'd do one of those things that I didn't want her to do, she'd look at me just like this to see what I was going to do about it. (I was holding the camera a bit low for this picture, so I know you can't get the full effect. Ah, the difference between viewscreen and viewfinder.)
What intrigued Annie the most about today was the wind whistling through the trees. It was VERY windy, so it was rather loud. She must have made this "I hear!" pose about a million times today!
And as Annie played in the sand, Leia did what she called "soaring." : )

And then she created a cool little cafe on the top of our septic tank. : )
Until Leia realized that I was going to let Annie join in. "Mamma! She's ruining it!" Poor little sister.
Oh yes, and I'm afraid that as I was sitting by the sandbox today I discovered that it was not only the first flower of the season but also the first tick of the season, too. On February 18?!? Is that some kind of crazy mutant tick or WHAT!?!


Karin said...

yikes! It's stuff like ticks that keeps me within the confines of the sunroom. ;) (Oh -- and the dead lizard I found in our sandbox 2 years ago -- and the sandbox has rarely been touched since! ha! I'm a wimp.)

Karin said...

And so cool about the flower!! I looked outside to discover ours are starting to come up too!! I didn't even know! :)