Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Leia & the Gang

Today Leia Rose knew she was having a few special visitors, and she desperately wanted to make a special Valentine card for Chloe, . . . and here's little sister desperately trying to chime in. : )
Then we were joined by Emily (her due date is April 15) and Heidi, . . . and later by Chloe, Mia, and Rebecca. We spent lots of time doing some driveway art (courtesy of Shenandoah). Heidi & Annie stayed doing art for the longest time, while Chloe and Leia skipped off to the Richard's playground.
Look at this dirty baby! : ) Again, I commented that I would NEVER have allowed baby Leia Rose to do this. But Annie had a BALL!!! : )
Suddenly it started to rain, and we all high-tailed it to our house. As we watched them go, we all commented that they looked like a little gang hanging out together. : )
And then there was some excitement when we went to pick up our Lowes Foods To Go order because Angela had gotten Leia Rose a pink poodle in a carry-all and Annie a big blue teddy bear, and the bakery surprised us with some fancy heart-speckled brownies (all for Valentines day)! Wow! Leia rose named her poodle "Pinka," and never left her side for the rest of the day. : )


Karin said...

Wow! You have quite the shoppers!! So sweet!! :)

Anonymous said...

Leia is so loving to allow little sister to help make the V card!