Sunday, February 3, 2008

McNeil Sunday Brunch

After Mass today we met at the Carolina Inn and had a wonderful brunch with the McNeils (the very first of our "monthly" brunches). They gave us a separate room. Smart people! : )
Annie started out great, and ate her usual 2-3 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, and tons of fruit. We even used our bib clip as a true bib clip today (instead of as a toy). It worked GREAT!
I'm afraid it turned a bit sour, though, when Annie was the messiest she has ever been in her ENTIRE LIFE. I have NEVER seen her this messy, NEVER! It was so far gone, I actually laughed, as I did at Mass when Annie was so squirmy and wormy, I had to take her out to crawl around in the hall. (Of course, all she wanted to do was to crawl right back into the sanctuary. I stopped her every time. And every time she cried. : ) (**Note to self: Noelle, this is a big improvement for you to find the humor in these situations. When this used to happen at Mass with Leia, YOU were the one crying, remember?)
At the end of the meal, Trevor showed us his really neat "trick" that he called "The Jack Black," where he would raise and lower one eyebrow at a time. Really cool, Trevor! (See below.)
On the way out all of us stopped to smell the roses (literally), . . . a sign from St. Therese? And Miss Laurie showed Leia Rose the fuzzy pussy willows. : )

Playing in the Carolina Inn Courtyard was fun for both of the girls. Annie was convinced that the plants were flowers, and sniffed many of them. : )
As for Leia Rose, she was most interested in using the pine straw and other grasses to make a nest for a weaver bird, which she heard about on Zoboomafoo. : ) So I was singing the special weaver bird song which goes like this . . .

And here is "The Jack Black" by Trevor:


Karin said...

The floor picture is hysterical!! ;)'s hysterical to an outsider simply seeing it in photo after the fact. ;) ha!

Karin said...

And yes, it is great to be able to find humor in it!! :) I remember when Kevin was a baby / toddler, and people would talk about being able to laugh at their child's antics. It took me a long time to learn to LAUGH! ;)