Thursday, July 19, 2007

"I Just Love Kevin!"

We went on a visit to Kevin's house today! Here are Kevin and Leia Rose playing "sleep over." You know, two different boys (Kevin & Colin) have asked to have a sleep over with Leia in the last week. Yikes! Karin told me that Kevin was so excited about today that he woke up this morning calling Leia's name again and again, asking her to come and play! : )

Part of the fun for the mammas today was going through lots of baby stuff I brought over for Karin to borrow, . . . her two babies are coming home from Vietnam this October. I don't have much masculine stuff for Eric, but I had tons of feminine stuff to share with Aria. : ) Kevin eventually came over to ask what the piles of clothes were all about. Karin explained that they were Annie's clothes, and now Aria is going to wear them! He looked very upset. Then he asked what Annie was going to wear! So cute! He was concerned that Annie wasn't going to have any clothes. ;)

We also did some reading in Kevin's new big boy room! Leia Rose was in heaven! Look at all the dinosaurs!

As always, Leia Rose begrudgingly left Kevin's house with the sentiment, "I just love Kevin!" Ironically, this playdate marked the first time when I really felt like Leia Rose was being a real "drama queen." (I have a feeling that most of the drama was related to Leia needing to eat. Why does it always take me so long to figure that out?) Kevin was having fun simply riling Leia Rose up. In fact, Karin and I caught him in the act with a huge grin on his face, stealing the magna-doodle away from Leia (and trying to hide it) with elation. Okay, yeah, he pushed a bit too, . . . but he was just being a boy. I actually took Leia aside and tried to explain: "Leia Rose, you know, when a boy really likes a girl, lots of times he loves to try and get her all riled up in whatever way he can. It's fun for him to watch." Her response was something like, "Well, it's working." I wish I had reminded Leia about her own pushing-stage when she was three (very traumatic for Mamma), . . . she remembers it well and, somehow, that reminder always helps her empathize. And even with all of her drama, she still made a point to exclaim quite dreamily how much she loves Kevin! : ) When I asked her about it, she said, "Oh, I had so much fun at the beginning, . . . until the riling started."

While we were out, I got some bins to put in Leia's closet (we need to get the swallow-able items out of the downstairs family room, . . . Annie is rolling now). I also got some plastic baskets to replace our wicker ones (the wicker ones always shed little "sticks" that I am so scared Annie will find). Well, guess what, they all became "kitty beds." : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yay!!! :) Those are great pics!! I just copied them onto my computer so I can add them to my blog too. :) (But for now, I'm going to bed!) It was lots of fun having you guys over today!!!! :) :)