Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Amazing Annie

This morning when I was packing for our trip and Brian was loading the car, we heard, "Annie stood up all by herself! Annie stood up all by herself!" It was Leia Rose, yelling it over and over again. It made it extra special to have our shining star announcing it! This was the view when we came downstairs! What a sunshine!
And here is Annie on the way to Grandma's house drinking out of a juice box! I was so proud of her! I can't even tell you how LONG it took for Leia Rose to get the knack of the same thing. It just goes to show how children learn at different rates. Heck, Leia was also walking by this time.

But perhaps the most spectacular thing about Annie these days is that she has learned to say "I love you" in her own special way. Very often she'll come up to me and say, "Ma-Ma, . . . attle, attle, attle, attle." You see, she's mimicking our tongue on our top lip, making the "L" sound for Love, but when she says it. It melts my heart every time.

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