Monday, November 19, 2007

Pumpkin Pie

Tomorrow is Leia Rose's Thanksgiving celebration at Artgarden, and I offered to make a couple of pumpkin pies. I really wanted to get Leia Rose involved, so here she is cooking. And I wanted to involve Annie, too. Well, she just sat there anyway. (But thank goodness for the suction cups on the bath seat!)
Leia Rose was really quick to point out: "Hey Mamma! You know that part in I Like Pumpkins that goes and others in cans look like muddly-mush.' This is the muddly-mush!!!"

This evening after dinner, Oma called and told us to expect a package of little things for Leia Rose as she is incapacitated after her small hernia operation next Monday. What a sweet gesture! Leia was thrilled! Anyway, I was snuggling with Leia Rose before bed and she said something really funny. (Snuggling is often NOT the end of things, by the way. She's usually peeking around the computer desk in a few more minutes.) Anyway, Leia Rose suddenly said, "I'm really looking forward to it!" And I asked her if she couldn't wait until Christmas. And she said, "No! I can't wait for my operation because I'm going to get presents and watch shows and play games all day!" Ha! First kid alive to look forward to an operation! : ) It's true, though. We have a present from Auntie April that has been wrapped for literally YEARS, . . . waiting for a time when Leia Rose would truly be sick. (It's a special doll that has chicken pox you can wipe away with a washcloth, I think.) Now there's going to be a present from Oma. : ) Lucky, lucky girl!

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