Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Day Without Pictures?!?

This morning, Hollis & I took Jessica and Leia Rose to school in the same car (at Leia Rose's insistence) while Brian watched Annie & Declan at the Oberlies house. This was so I could take Hollis out for a nice birthday breakfast free of kiddos, . . . and so Annie and Declan could have their own playdate together alone! What I neglected to realize is that my camera was out of batteries! Still, the skinny was that both Annie and Delcan played swimmingly together. (They always do.) And it's always so fun after a few hours of being apart, . . . how very happy Annie is to see me. She loves her Mamma!

Later in the day, Leia Rose watched some more Sesame Street Clips (I finally found the "Milk, Milk" song, which she watched four times in a row), played Littlest Pet Shop with Daddy, and watched Kid Nation with us. No more questionable words on that show. I wonder if someone complained.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Daddy stayed home from work to supervise the play date so you could go out to breakfast?? Wow - I'm impressed! :)