Friday, November 2, 2007

Tales from the Work Folder

I've decided to put the highlights of Leia's school week in one post on Fridays now because it was just a bit much to write down every word every day, verbatim. (Plus, it made for a very unsafe car ride home.) So . . .
"Mamma, this is the sign I made for my 'ghost drop' game at the Halloween party. I did the letters all myself!!!" I found this one so precious, . . . it melted my heart. : )
This week the children did a craft called "ghost feet," and this was the result. Boy, does Leia have happy feet! : )
Here's one on the more humorous side: "Mamma, this is a brontosaurus on green grass. [What's this in the middle, is it the sun?] No, it's his germs from his sneeze. You can't even see the sun because of all the germs." Ha!
A few interesting things this week: "Mamma, Jessica and I are always making fishing poles!!! We take a stick and put a leaf on the end like this! See!!! A fishing pole!" "You know, we're going to have a day like last year where we get to wear pajamas. I'm going to wear my fairy pajamas. I know Jessie will want to see those!" "You know, Lorenzo got to have lunch with us one day, even though he wasn't extended day." And of course the after-Halloween drama of, "I was tired today, Mamma."

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