Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Annie Get Your . . . Magnet

Here's one of Annie's favorites: playing with Leia Rose's pencil collection! One in the mouth. Two to bang together. Yeah, there are a couple of teeth marks in them (and some chunks out of the erasers), but they're a fun item under supervision. They'll have to be nixed when she starts walking, though. (Just like with the pick-up-sticks with Leia.) Looks like another sister similarity. : )
. . . And whenever you turn around, there is Annie with this magnet in her mouth. Ironically, it's our souvenir from NYC from going to Bernadette Peters Annie Get Your Gun. And today was the first time I heard her actually whine for something: that magnet. So I did the "help" sign for her, and she did it back! No more whining! : )
Then the next time I turned around, there was Annie, sitting IN the play food bin! : ) I know she loves the grapes, but come on! : )
And any lamby she can find, she'll carry around (if Cherry Chat Chat isn't around of course). She was SO happy to get these squishy farm animals out again!
The only thing that was my idea this morning was NOT a hit. I got out the pans and wooden spoon. Didn't care about it a bit. But she did like the strainer that Miss Laurie gave us. A good "Open & Close" lesson.

About her naps today. Interesting! One nice long nap at 10:30 AM. And that's it! I put her down for a late afternoon nap while I was outside with Leia, but according to the monitor, there was no sleep to be had. : )

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