Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Squirrels & Showers

Here is Leia Rose making "suet" for Squirrels. Okay, I was the one calling it suet, . . . Leia Rose called it "Squirrels' Birthday" and her mixture was the cake. Hmmm, let me see if I can call up the thought process in regards to how this activity came about, . . . The kids made chex mix at school today. Leia Rose tripped on the way to the car and spilled hers. She said that it would not feed the squirrels. Ah ha! And even though Mrs. Schnell gave her some extra, she still saved all the nuts for them. Then followed her idea to make a trail. And then my idea to make it really lead to something. : ) So we tried to think of a real squirrel feast: peanut butter mixed with sunflower seeds (shelled and unshelled) and a few pistachio nuts (these are high-bred squirrels).
Here is the trail that Leia Rose put down herself. My one request? That the trail didn't lead to our bird feeder. (She swept the deck first, by the way. How crafty am I?)
Leia Rose was extra excited tonight because she was going to take a shower. (Because of her surgery, she's not allowed to take a bath for a week.) Taking a shower with Daddy was so much fun! Leia Rose kept saying, "I just LOVE taking a shower!" Leia, I remember a day not too long ago (when you were three?) when we would dread vacations a bit because you would SCREAM in the shower. How you've grown! : )
Leia Rose, Brian, and I always say her nighttime prayers together, . . . but tonight for some reason we all felt compelled to hold hands. It was really special. (We said a very special prayer for Oma and Papa to sell their home and for their peace of mind about Christmas visits.) Okay, yes, this is a recreations, but I wasn't going to break up a prayer for a picture, for goodness sake! ; )

[And, um, we won't talk about how you wiped your buttery popcorn fingers on the couch during Kid Nation, after Mamma told you four times not to and then how you hit Mamma on the way to the thinking chair and how you lost all TV that night as a result and how Mamma yelled at you at the top of her lungs saying "GET IN BED!" after you slammed the door in her face. But I WILL say how the night ended with lots of apologies and a, "Mamma, thank you for everything that you do."] : \


Karin said...

Yikes! ha! I'm glad to hear we're not the only ones who have moments like that in our house. ;)

Karin said...

Oh! And very crafty idea, Mamma! :)