Monday, November 12, 2007

"Mamma, don't laugh at me!" +

Look at my beautiful Pony Princess! Leia Rose came in and I said, "Oh! Are you Cinderella?!?" She looked at me with such a sad look and said, "No, Mamma! I'm a princess pony!" I laughed because it was so cute. (Laughing is ALWAYS my reaction when things are "so cute.") And then . . .
Here's the look she gives me after she says, "Don't laugh at me, Mamma." Gosh, if I could just nix my natural reaction to cuteness, . . . It may be psychologically damaging to my child.
Earlier, it was just so sweet when I heard Leia Rose say, "Annie, please come and help me find all of the Cabbage Patch Kid clothes. Look, here's what one of the shoes looks like. . . ." She's so good at including her little sister!
But what was the main goal of Leia's morning (besides watching Polar Express when she woke up, I mean)? To put on the makeup she got at Caroline's Pinky Toes party! What a girly, girl!
Looks like both of the girls get a kick out of seeing Froggy eat food. : )
As for Annie, she had an amazing first today! She was sitting by the chalkboard, when I saw her lean forward, get on her feet crouching, and then stand up, . . . without holding onto anything!!! That's the first time that ever happened!
And, for some reason, we played around the bottom of the stairs today (under my close supervision, of course). Annie was having real fun going up one step, looking back, wondering how to get down, and then finally putting one leg down followed by the other. She got REALLY fast at it by the end.
And it looks like Annie was getting into the dress up too, today. : )
And I just thought it was cute when Leia Rose decided to join the stuffed animals in their basket. Does this remind you of ET? : )
Now, even though the pear hasn't been added yet, let's play "Who's Plate is This?" . . .

Answers: 1. Annie's Plate (note the asparagus tips smothered in hollandaise, and even the french fries minced). 2. Leia's Plate (note the asparagus ENDS smothered in hollandaise, the meatloaf smothered in katsup, and the negligable difference between Annie's and Leia's. 3. Mamma's Plate (note the huge amount of asparagus, the one french fry, and the three ounces of meat). 4. Daddy's Plate (note the huge amount of meat and fries, and the one lone asparagus spear).


Karin said...

Ha! The food was funny :)

I laugh when Kevin does something cute too. It usually hams him up though for us to laugh. Did Leia always get upset over it -- or is it an age thing? I remember I hated to be laughed at too!! I remember specific episodes when it happened around that age & I was mortified. I've worried about the same thing -- although at this point, Kevin doesn't mind.

Karin said...

Did Leia not have school?