Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nature & Nurture

Leia Rose couldn't WAIT to get outside to "collect some nature." Today she had a specific goal: to find something in nature that she hadn't seen before. Well, I knew this was going to be difficult because this kid LOVES nature and has seen A LOT of it! : )
But with my help, we succeeded! Here is Leia's first ever glimpse of an iris bulb! : ) Her face truly says, "I feel fulfilled."

And here is evidence of something that I felt was SO important to do preceding next Monday. We played "surgery," and I tried to get everything down to the letter. I let her eat a big "snack" before bed; we used nailpolish remover and pretended to use the special antibacterial soap; we "drove" to the hospital where she got a hospital band (and so did I); we went to pre-op and were visited by the nurses, doctors, and anesthesiologists; we discussed how I may or may not be able to go into the operating room; we checked all of her vital stats; I gave her some scrubs and the floppy socks that are always too big; we were moved into the operating room where I did my best to describe the machines in there; I put the mask over her face and gave her scenarios of counting to ten or taking deep breaths; I moved her to recovery and had her awaken with the thought of "presents" (because I am actually quite nervous about her waking up acting violent and disoriented like the first time); then we got back in the car and went home. I even wrapped a pretend present for her to open when it was all done an kept her incapacitated while she opened it.

Hope this was enough. If we have time, I'll suggest playing it again.

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