Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Word Explosion!

Today was just amazing in regards to Annie's speech! First we were at the stairs playing "on/off" with my glasses (what else?). And suddenly Annie said "tair" for "stair"! Then we were eating lunch and Annie said "na-na" for "banana." Finally, Annie said "chat chat" for "Cherry Chat Chat" (her special kitty). Three new words in one day! Wow!

And I also noticed that she was standing up perfectly today just holding onto a vertical surface, like the dishwasher for example. She no longer needs a chair/couch/table to hold on to, . . . just any surface. And soon, I'm sure, no surface at all! : )

And as for Leia Rose, we played "pony show" with a bucket of water and her "Kyle sticks" (kindling) after we got home, BUT this is how she came home from school today: no socks, velour pants rolled up to her thighs, and a shirt not her own! : ) "She got hot," Mrs. Schnell said. It's the time of year (40 degrees in the morning and 60 by the afternoon) when I just don't know how to dress my child, I guess. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

How cool about the words!!! :) And too funny about Leia's clothes!